Summer Workshop

Hi all, 
as I posted before the dates for the online summer workshop are July 15-16.
four hours each day from 9 am Pacific time (noon East cost time, and 6 pm Central European time).

The workshop is free. PD hours are available. If you have been attending our monthly workshops but have done the introductory, I strongly recommend.

If you plan on using our textbook or are using it already without training, I strongly recommend.
If you have never used ISLE and are curious – I strongly recommend.
If you preparing future physics teachers – again, try to find time to attend.
This year the workshop will be run by Danielle Bugge, Carolyn Sealfon, and Eugenia Etkina.
Here is the link to sign up (copy and paste it into your browser).…A/viewform

You will not receive a notification that you are registered until I close the form. Then I will send the email to eveyone registered with the next steps (a lot of them). Preparation involves doing some homework.
Looking forward to our summer fun!

About the Author

Eugenia Etkina

Eugenia Etkina is a Distinguished Professor at Rutgers, the State University Of New Jersey. She holds a PhD in physics education from Moscow State Pedagogical University and has more than 39 years of experience teaching physics at high school and university levels. She is a Recipient of the 2014 Millikan Medal of the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT), awarded to educators who have made significant contributions to teaching physics, and is a fellow of the AAPT.

Professor Etkina designed and now coordinates one of the largest programs in physics teacher preparation in the United States, conducts professional development for high school and university physics instructors, and participates in reforms to the undergraduate physics courses.

In 1993 she developed a system in which students learn physics using processes that mirror scientific practice which was later enriched by her collaboration with A. Van Heuvelen. That system, called the Investigative Science Learning Environment (ISLE) approach, can be used in a physics course of any level (from middle school to graduate coursework). It engages students in learning physics by practicing it, and improves their well-being. The ISLE approach serves as the basis for the textbook “College Physics: Explore and Apply” and supporting Active Learning Guide and Instructor Guide that are used in many universities and high schools for teaching algebra-based physics courses, especially Advance Placement Physics course.

Since 2000, Professor Etkina has conducted over 140 workshops for physics instructors. She is an active researcher who has published over 100 peer-refereed articles.

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